Content provided by Jason Fudge of Merranti Accounting.
Want the full update on all things accounting, taxation and finance as of Summer 2021? Be sure to read Merranti Accounting’s detailed summer update. The newsletter is free to download below and provides a wealth of information on updates to the Coronavirus support measures for businesses, capital gains tax, exporting goods after Brexit as well as many other relevant topics for small businesses and sole traders.
Download using the link below
About Merranti Accounting Ltd
10 Scandia Hus Business Park, RH19 2LP
We work for you, we form part of your team, understanding your business and not just the financials. We understand the day to day issues you come across and we can see the patterns in your figures you may not. Yes, we provide the standard tax returns and complete the statutory paperwork as well, however we review your tax liabilities in advance of the year and work with you to maximise your options.
Contact: Stephen Watts
General Email:
Tel: 01342 836557